The 6S45P-E high-frequency triode of increased durability, designed to amplify high-frequency voltage in broadband amplifier circuits for general and special purposes. Works in any position. Base 9-pin.
E – characterizing the increased durability of the tube
- Stamp of technical control department of the manufacturer ” ОТК “
Technical specifications:
- Heating voltage: 6.3 ± 0.6V
- Heating current: 440 ± 30mA
- Anode voltage: 150V
- Current in the anode circuit: 40 ±12 mA
- Slope of characteristic: 45 ± 11mA/V
- Input resistance: 3.5Mohm
- Equivalent noise resistance: 100Ohm
- Reverse grid current: not more than 0.3μA
Maximum allowable electrical values:
- The highest voltage on the anode: 150V
- The highest current in the cathode circuit: 52mA
- Maximum power dissipated at the anode: 7.8W
- The highest voltage in the cathode-heater circuit: 100V
- The greatest resistance in the grid circuit: 0.15Mohm
Minimum operating time – 3000 hours.
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