The 6P3S-E is an output beam tetrode with an octal base designed to operate in the output stages of low-frequency power amplifiers. It is used in the output single-cycle and push-pull cascades of low-frequency receivers and amplifiers. It can be used as a high-frequency generator, transmitters and other general purpose equipment. Indirectly heated oxide cathode. Works in any position.
Technical specifications:
- Filament voltage: 6.3 ± 0.6V
- Filament current: 900 ± 60mA
- Anode voltage nominal: 250V
- Anode voltage limit: 400V
- Anode current: 72 ± 14mA
- Grid voltage of the first: -14V
- Reverse current grid first: 3.0uA
- Grid voltage second nominal: 250V
- Grid voltage second limit: 300V
- Grid current second: 8mA
- Power dissipated by the anode, limiting: 20.5W
- Power dissipated by the second grid, limit: 2.75W
- The voltage between the cathode and the heater limit: 200V
- Slope: 6 ± 0.8mA/V
- Output power: 5.4W
- Resistance in the grid circuit of the first limit: 0.5MOhm
- Input capacitance: 11 ± 2pF
- Output capacitance: 8.2 ± 1.5pF
- Capacitance pass: 1pF
Operating time not less than 5000 hours
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