The OG-3 dekatron tube is a single-pulse counting device for operation in calculating and calculating-solving devices. The glow color is purple. The indication is made through the dome of the cylinder.
Equivalent tube GC10D
Technical specifications:
- Gas filling: Argon
- Max. counting speed: 20kHz
- Supply volt. min: 420V
- Supply: 450V
- Maintaining min: 170V
- Maintaining: 190V
- Maintaining max: 210V
- Anode/cath. current min.: 600uA
- Anode/cath. current: 700uA
- Anode/cath. current max: 800uA
- Power supply power min: 315mW
- Guide bias min: 40V
- Guide bias typ pulse: 40V
- Guide bias max: 50V
- Guide signal pulse: 110-140 (125)V
- Guide signal pulse duration min: 17 – 22uS
- Reset pulse duration min: 2 – 5uS
- Tube diameter max: 33mm
- Tube height max: 76mm
- Weight: no more than 50g.
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