Vacuum capacitor KP1-3 10-200pF 25kV of variable capacity. They are used for operation in circuits of direct, alternating, pulsating currents and in pulsed mode.
Stamp of technical control department of the manufacturer “ОТК”
Technical specifications:
- Min capacity: 10pf
- Max capacity: 200pf
- Nominal voltage: 25kV
- Frequency: up to 30MHz
- Maximum operating frequency: no more than 60MHz
- Operating current up to 75A
- Torque of rotation, no more: 0.49N*m
- Traction force, no more: 343N
- Number of capacity adjustment cycles up to 5000
- Speed of adjustment up to 5 cycles/min
- Ambient temperature from -60 up to +125° C
- Relative air humidity at a temperature of 35° C Up to 98%
- Low atmospheric pressure Up to 533 hPa (400mmHg)
- Wieght: 3.4kg (7.93 lb)
- Hieght: 285mm (11.22 inch)
- Diameter of the tube: 145mm (5.7 inch)
- Diameter of the tuning shaft: 12mm (0.47 inch)
The minimum operating time without failure is at least 7500 hours.
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